The Kohl Fellowship/Scholarship Program is in search of a group of readers to evaluate the applications for both teachers and students. All scoring is done electronically. The first step in this process is to Karen Kleiber for more information.
Reminder: The next meeting of "Higher Performance Leadership: Become. Build. Lead." is on Monday, Nov. 8 here at CESA 7 from 8:30-3:30.
The deadline for the Herb Kohl Educational Foundation Student Excellence Scholarship application is approaching! Students must submit their completed applications, including 3 letters of recommendation, no later than Tuesday, November 16, 2021. Visit the webiste for more information.
There are still seats available in the "Improving Grading Starts Here - with Thomas Guskey" event that begins on Nov. 9th~Regiser Soon! Visit our Event Registration areas for details.
"Tuesday Tech Tools to Use Tomorrow" is offered virtually on Nov. 16 from 3:45-4:45. Join Amanda Albrect, our new Digital Learning Specialist, for this amazing overview of FREE, VERSATILE educational technology tools you will be
able to utilize in your classroom the very next day! Check out our Event Registration pages for more information.
We are offering Principal, DAC, Curriculum Director & Mentor Coordinator Network meetings next week. Check out our event registration pages for more information and to register.
Join the CESA 7 Head Start/Early Head Start team. Apply to be one of their nurturing Assistant Teachers and serve children, ages 3-5, in their classrooms. Check out our Facebook or Employment pages for information.
Congratulations to the Sheboygan Area School District for being the first district in CESA 7 to have their Regional Pathway Maps approved in Architecture & Construction, Advanced Manufacturing, Digital Technology, and Health Science Patient Care. Reach out to Dr. Marci Waldron-Kuhn for assistance with getting your district Pathway Maps approved.
Apply today for the NCWIT Award for Aspirations in Computing. The deadline is November 5th. Check out our Facebook or Twitter page for details.
The next virtual EL Network Meeting is November 4th from 9-12. At these quarterly meetings, network participants will receive timely EL information from the DPI, learn and share about best practices, acquire resources, and discuss current issues in the schools and classrooms. Check out our Event/Registration pages for more information.
Take a look at our Facebook page to see a special story on the Southern Door County School District's farm to school lunch program.
Check out our Twitter page to learn about a Seymour High School teacher who won a major prize for her school.
It is Cybersecurity Awareness Month: Are you looking for ways to incorporate Cybersecurity lessons into your class at your school? There are resources available to implement lessons into everyday curriculum and explore the world of Cybersecurity. Check out our Facebook page to find recommended resources from CSTEY.
If your school is interested in participating in a 2022 CESA 7 Regional Spelling Bee and hasn’t enrolled yet with the Scripps organization for this year, your school must first enroll with Scripps at Check out our Student Programs/Spelling Bees page for details.
There is still time to register for the Dr. Thomas Guskey event that begins on November 9th. Check out our Registration Pages or Facebook for details. Dr. Guskey will be here in person on November 9th to begin the important work to retool your grading practices.
Watch the new Ready to Launch video on our Facebook page: Tina Lemmens, C7 Digital Learning Specialist, shares how building informational technology literacy is about leveling the playing field and providing young people in our area with equitable access to powerful learning opportunities.
Check out the Head Start video on our Facebook page for information on the Early Head Start home visiting program!
We would like to extend a warm welcome to Macey Lukes our new
Payroll Specialist. Macey is a graduate of UW Madison and we are happy to have her on board!
CESA's 5, 6, 7, and 8 are working with 92 school districts in Northeastern Wisconsin on the adoption of Regional Career Pathways. Visit our Facebook page for more information or contac Marci Kuhn;
The deadline for Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction Robotics League Participation Grants is Oct. 29th. Learn more about this grant opportunity on our Facebook page.